Bali Reflection

In May 2016, I took my first trip to Bali with my wife, our son and our niece. It was my first, but it will certainly not be my last trip to this magical island. Bali is so amazing that I already have plans to return next year, despite the challenges of making such a long trip with our 2 year old.
First of all, it is gorgeous: the land, the sea, the people, the architecture, the rice fields, the statues, and the temples. All are stunning and can capture ones attention for hours. Walking through the small village and seeing the kids play, and then meandering through the rice fields for a sunset walk were some of the daily highlights. There are statues everywhere and the villagers place offerings out everyday. It is a land of beauty and of spirit. I guess this is way it attracts so many yogi type tourist.
Then, if you venture out into town, you can see monkeys, tons of great restaurants and shopping and temples to tour. The food is great. It is fresh and they grow most of it right there. My wife insisted on renting a moped to scoot around on, and I must admit it was pretty cool zipping around together getting to know the place a little better with each turn.
Then, on the days off, when there is more time to venture out, there are beaches, and waterfalls and more temples to explore. I guess I love beaches and waterfalls and temples, so that is what comes to mind, but there is also great shopping and museums, and other cultural immersions experiences if you prefer that. Most people seem to venture to the beach. The water is warm and the sand is soft. Depending on where you go and what you like, you can find a beach to lay on, water to snorkel in or waves to surf. And as you can see from one photo below, you can even find a temple or two in the ocean.
The training is at Jiwa Damai. You can see some photos of the practice space below. There is nothing quite like starting the day with meditation as the sun comes up around you. The fish pools around the property…..well, I guess that is just how they do things in Bali, so much care put into design and building of their properties. The food was just my style, as my wife assured me it would be, lots of local veggies and tofu and tempe over rice or noodles. At midday, they would serve this amazing creamy soup of all flavors. The staff are great, the director is also a valuable support to the teacher training program.
Interestingly, Jiwa Damai is a non-profit with the mission of education and social support. They do amazing work in the community providing educational opportunities for people in Bali. Jiwa Damai is a small retreat center and there is limited space in the training, so if you are interested in experiencing some of these pleasures that I did, I suggest you decide to living life to its fullest and sign up for the yoga teacher training soon.
And don’t just put it on your to-d0 list. Actually take action and email and we can set up a time to call and share how the program has helped so many people in their venture to become a yoga teacher and to improve their lives. The program is fun, challenging, rewarding, educational, eye opening, and above all, transformational. If you are ready for a change for the good, you are ready for our yoga teacher training program.
